New York Terrorist Bomb Attack “Hoax
I am putting up the following stories to prove the latest New York Terrorist Bomb Hoax scare and the arrest of the so called 4 Terrorist is nothing more then propaganda
These people are so desperate now to maintain the lie that 11th Sept 2001 Attacks was carried out by Bin Ladden & Al Qa`eda and Muslims in general who hate America because of the freedoms they enjoy
In other stories here you will read for example how the Bush – Cheney invented Fake – False Terrorist plots, hoax’s and feed them through to the media.
And the down right lying main stream media just repeated the lies without even investigating whether the story was true or not, its any wonder people are turning to sites like
South East Asia
How 911 Was
Because sites like this are the only people telling the truth and not, lies, rubbish, trashy stories as feed through to them from The Government and Police Services.
Anyway please read through these stories and all the other information I have listed on site and I prove without doubt, question with the evidence to back me up the whole “WAR ON TERROR” is a fraud to cover United States of America real agenda and that is to invade 60 countries and take control of their resources.
FBI Blows It: Supposed Terror Plot Against NY Synagogues Is Bogus
By the now, it's maddeningly familiar.
A scary terrorist plot is announced.
Then it's revealed that the suspects are a hapless bunch of ne'er-do-wells or run-of-the-mill thugs without the slightest connection to any terrorists at all, never mind to Al Qaeda.
Finally, the last piece of the puzzle: the entire plot is revealed to have been cooked up by a scummy government agent-provocateur.
A slick FBI informant roped four Muslim converts into a horrific terror plot to blow up synagogues and military jets by handing them piles of cash and gifts and even bags of weed, relatives of the suspects said today.
"Brother whatever you need, I will get it for you," said the man who the four petty thieves knew as Maqsood, according to Kathleen Baynes, whose long-time boyfriend, James Cromitie is alleged to be the ringleader of the plot
* Comment so lets understand this a FBI informant recruits these guys, offers them all presents, gifts, hookers, drugs, booze, then he starts talking to them on mic so its all recorded Anti – American, Anti –Western feelings, about America killing Muslims all over the world, he then recommend they do terrorist attacks against USA Government and Public sites and gives a few ideas what to bomb.
When the FBI has enough information about these guys on tape recorded stating how they will carry off a Terrorist Attack they then move in and arrest these men
Is anybody else starting to get the feeling these guys were “Set Up” if the WAR ON Terror is true, Muslims just want to attack us because they are jealous of our freedoms.
Why use FBI informants in the first place to feed these people all the stuff above?
"Synagogue Bomb Plot" - Latest Zionist Publicity Coup
The round-up of patsies in the FBI / police-provoked "synagogue bomb plot" (the ersatz weapons and explosives were, as per usual, furnished by the cops themselves), is only the latest Zionist publicity coup, timed to coincide with the hyping of the Iranian missile launch, the visit of assassin-master Binyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu to the White House, and Jeffrey Goldberg's Holocaustomania-drenched apologia for Netanyahu's murderous racism, in the pages of the oh-so hip-and-humane New York Times.
FBI Agent on Synagogue Case Has Questionable Record
Special Agent Robert Fuller, whose name appears at the top of the federal criminal complaint in the case, had a hand in the FBI's failure to nab two of the 9/11 hijackers, had one of his informants set himself on fire in front of the White House, and was involved in misidentifying a Canadian man as a terrorist leading to his secret arrest and torture -- a case that is now the subject of a major lawsuit.
How MI5 blackmails Muslims
LONDON: Five Muslim community workers have accused MI5 of waging a campaign of blackmail and harassment in an attempt to recruit them as informants.
The men claim they were given a choice of working for the Security Service or face detention and harassment in the UK and overseas
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